The blog explores a year past Naya Pakistan, yet the problems remain as diverse as they can be. Imran Khan started good but took a steep dip by failing at almost all fronts. The article expresses high hopes for 2020.…
In light of Imran Khan becoming Prime Minister, this article for GVS explored the chaos that followed the century fiscal and trade deficits. The falling rupee and the falling stock exchange. The bumbling subsidy seeking industrialists crying hoarse. It discusses…
A jab at the sorry state of affairs where people fall for the “hook line and sinker” of the politicians every time, despite the drying country, dying exports, waning forex reserves, raping panchayats and fleeing elites. Read More
An out-of-the-box expression on the idiosyncrasies of what it takes to be a Prime Minister in Pakistan. Read the complete article at:
We have set up a group of disaster, conflict and fragility experienced and concerned professionals who under the aegis of PIDE using a 360 degree approach are identifying, analyzing, discussing, and formulating responses to Pakistan CONVID-19 and socializing the same.…
Where is the Pakistan Government’s “situation and reaction room”? Who is leading and managing this “situation and reaction room”? We continue to get multiple view points on what the “government” is doing to respond to the CONVID-19. We have the…
In times of disaster, and we are in one, almost all nations opt for a national action plan to both react and to proactively prepare for relief, recovery, and restoration/rebuilding; often including building resilience post disaster. In global vernacular it…
As is often the case with solutions, it is the simplest ones that are the most elegant and applicable. Problem statement is as follows: delivery of food or rations to needy in urban and in rural areas. Solution can be…
With so much information floating around and being absorbed or otherwise, I will not bore you with the numbers but simply provide a distillation of our on-going discussions focused on “should we be testing everybody in Pakistan?” This is an…
I am lucky to be part of a very able and noble group under the aegis of Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) who are daily undertaking analysis and discussions and recommendations geared towards the policy makers in our holy…