Developing and Piloting a Business Enabling Environment (BEE) Index for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan
This project aims to research BEE case studies for SMEs, analyze global indices for improving BEE in Pakistan, identify housing entities for the BEE index, and submit reports to raise awareness among federal and provincial governments.
Desk research on BEE case studies for SMEs and review of literature for developing inception report. Comparative analysis of global indices on enabling business environment, including Ease of doing business; Enterprise survey; Global competitiveness index; Business ecosystem measurement; Reviewing institutional structure and governance framework for analyzing its role in enabling business environment along with multiple other indicators identified for the index. Improvement of the BEE of SMEs in Pakistan. Identification of government entities for housing the BEE index. Submission of draft and final report towards achieving above outputs as well as generating awareness around BEE index amongst federal and
provincial governments.
Location of the Project
National/ Pakistan
Donor: USAID
Client: Sub-contractor to IPSOS.
Project Duration
Feb 2021 – Sep 2022