Initiate Asia – voice of the periphery





Beginnings, or initiations, are often dreams enacted. We are initiating a process to bring the voices of the periphery in Asia, especially the heart of Asia, to the world and bring a hitherto marginalized lens on local and global issues.


Sustainability and development of ‘means and minds’ in interplay with emerging technology to build resilient and peaceful communities in Pakistan and wider Asia.


To combine analytics with rigorous research and policy analysis to understand dynamics, devise strategies and deliver solutions for communities, districts, cities, provinces, and countries in Asia facing social, economic, developmental, governance and security challenges.

Our Promise

We promise to bring the marginalized and their dialogues to the core and ensure that the narratives we help shape are human first. Being born in Pakistan, Initiate Asia will start close from its birthplace and use Pakistan’s and its neighboring Asians’ lens to understand issues and present solutions to policy makers and influencers across the globe.

Who We Are

Initiate Asia is a private, for-profit think tank providing solution-oriented products to enhance public policy making. As ‘Initiators’, we pride ourselves in mapping local dynamics through rigorous research, analytical deliverables and comprehensive recommendations while also delivering quality services to our clients.

We strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of communities and societies both domestically and internationally and our contributions facilitate the implementation of both public policies and informed client decisions.

Our priority areas are:

  1. Economics
  2. Societies and social issues
  3. Security

Human security is a driver in all our work while keeping Governance, Gender Climate Change, and Technology as cross-cutting themes in our products.

Initiate Asia’s ‘Three- Prong’ Model Approach

As a forward looking, futuristic think tank which is dedicated to addressing challenges in the modern era, Initiate Asia follows a simple three -pronged model which brings out the best quality products for the consumption of our clients and public policy makers. The tiers are:


Identifying current problems, trends, events, circumstances, and dynamics in conflict prone, economically ravaged, climate change affected and poorly governed areas/ communities/ localities.


After identification, comprehensive research is initiated to answer complicated and seemingly intractable issues through data analytics, gap analysis, impact assessments, policy research, feasibility studies, value propositions and scenario-based analysis for specific cases.


Provide thorough recommendations as solution-oriented products for public policy makers and clients to act upon.

Areas of expertise


Understanding and analyzing shortcomings in public service deliveries to local populations from federal and provincial governments. Includes:

  • Analysis of government deliverables, performance of ministries, local administrations, law enforcement agencies.
  • Mapping out socioeconomic indicators as evidence of public policy shortcomings.
  • Identifying anthropological and social episteme that causes crisis and building new knowledge for peace and sustainability.
  • Providing policy guidelines on what needs to be done to bridge shortcomings and gaps.


Initiate Asia aims to explicitly address the gender question by collecting disaggregated data to help identify and understand issues concerning men and women. An inclusive approach with skilled researchers endeavors to develop gender-responsive analytical frameworks to contest the challenges of gender violence, inequality, labor force participation for women, underrepresentation in politics, access to healthcare, demographic crisis in the Western world and family planning in Asia, refugee and migrant women of Asia, child marriages and young brides.


Beginning with Pakistan, we focus on creating new knowledge about least developed, lower middle income and middle-income economies. Our research involves “nexus work” on issues such as income levels, improving livelihoods in conflict zones, and growth inequalities to improve livelihoods. We prioritize the realities of multilateral economics to deliver intelligent insights on markets, trade, investment, supply chains, financial risks and debt management to help our clients make effective decisions. At the international level, we examine key connectivity and developmental strategies as multi-stakeholder initiatives, including the EU’s Global Gateway Initiative, the AUKUS network, the Blue Dot network to identify new growth points and support collaborations across infrastructure, climate, energy, transport, trade, and the digital economy space.

Artificial Intelligence and Security

Initiate Asia recognizes the significance of AI on human livelihoods and undertakes research on the applicability, feasibility, opportunities and challenges associated with recommendation systems, virtual assistants, spam filters and machine learning in underdeveloped societies. How AI impacts sectors such as healthcare, media, transport and manufacturing are also a priority. Utilizing cutting-edge AI tools to foster inclusive community development, promote equitable social opportunities, and bridge the rural/urban development divide is precisely what Initiate Asia endeavors to work on. The initiative deals with inclusive development combining cutting-edge data and research to address salient conversations at the heart of “human” empowerment, focusing on opportunities for social impact and community transformation. We engage closely with specialists in climate change, disaster management, gender inclusion, poverty alleviation and social reform to support multipronged solutions and improve service delivery.

Climate Change and Security

A priority research area is climate change and Initiate Asia focuses on themes such as climate financing, adaption and resilience, low-carbon transitions, affordable energy, green growth, climate-resilient infrastructure, disaster preparedness at the local, national and regional levels. Through a network of collaborations and innovative projects, our institute generates space for informed policy decisions on key climate action targets to support sustainable development progress. Unfolding global events in the 21st century and beyond, whether they are intractable conflicts or simmering tensions are all impacted by, made worse by or strongly influenced by climate change. By employing a cross sectoral approach which links long term physical, environmental and human security across landscapes, Initiate Asia examines the underlying causes of climate change, analyzes the impact of governmental and multilateral policy making on devastated communities and focuses on the following three areas for sustainable energy systems, climate resilience and improvement in the livelihoods of all citizens:

Socioeconomic Development

Maintaining the social well-being and achieving the highest level of human development for societies which are anchored in equitable distribution of resources through public policy making is a key priority area for Initiate Asia. We value and prioritize comprehensive research which takes into account metrics such as social stagnation, regressions, progress and social processes.

Youth Engagement and Mobilization

IA is dedicated to resolving issues for the next generation which is inextricably linked with issues facing youth populations across Asia. This includes addressing causes of youth unemployment, susceptibility to violence, indoctrination and trafficking as well as advocacy efforts. IA takes pride in analyzing the divide between governmental policing making and its impact on youth empowerment through rigorous and comprehensive research methodologies.

Art and Culture

Acknowledging that indigenous heritage, history, art and culture are interlinked with distinct identities of societies across Asia, IA values research on heritage sites, human settlements, musical traditions, civilizational legacies, and artifacts in the Asian region to promote soft power diplomacy, people to people exchanges and free flow of ideas for a harmonious world order.

Signature Products/Services

Projects and Collaborations

Flagship projects with our clients and partners across areas of climate change, artificial intelligence, conflict, governance, development and economy.

Website Features

A dedicated District Development Monitor that maps the number of amenities, services, infrastructure, developmental projects in a particular district in Pakistan.

Policy Briefs

Compact, issue-driven, specialized analyses covering major policy developments. These expert assessments combine research and data to deliver the inside story behind complex policy developments, and provide actionable recommendations to inform meaningful decisions.


Long-form, in-depth reports derived from client projects, joint study outcomes and empirical research. Reports utilize data-driven research to generate new knowledge about transformational policy initiatives at the local, national and international level.

Expert Opinion

The think-tank’s premier digital portal featuring expert commentary from thought-leaders, policy specialists and leading opinion-makers from Pakistan and the world. Expert opinions help us stay on top of trending news and dissect high-impact stories that drive policy conversations in real-time. A collection of thought pieces can also be published as part of the think-tank’s monthly digital magazine.

Forecast/Watchlist Series

What economic, governance and conflict trends should businesses and decision-makers watch out for in the future? This quarterly publication forecasts major political and economic risks across regions, predicts market behaviors, and generates conflict awareness based on top trends curated by our experts. Intelligent insights enable our clients to stay one-step-ahead in investment, research and policy decisions.

Impact Beat

A weekly digital podcast engaging Pakistani and international experts on key developmental, economic and governance challenges facing the masses.

Impact Forum

A series of policy-intensive discussions with development partners, senior practitioners, economic experts and officials on specialized issues.