In 2013 by a group of three friends, hailing from the World Bank Group (development), iEngineering (software and technology), and Research in Motion (telecom and technology) with a wealth of international experience and expertise in diverse fields came together and agreed that the discourse on development was fast losing human centricity and becoming too focused on agendas. Hence the Reenergia was born- Solutions for human lives.

It was becoming evident quite fast that climate change and related issues were drastically impacting human lives through recurring disasters. There was an emerging gulf between the “haves” and the “have nots.” while the traditional consensus was still that human condition was improving globally, the issues facing human lives were getting increasingly complicated and this ‘improvement’ was experienced unequally for those from the global ‘south.’ The need to address climate change adaptation, mitigation, and transition was and remains urgent.

The trio felt the absence of a macro or a holistic approach to solving issues while keeping the quality of human lives at the center—in short, politics of power, thought and philosophy of life, and differing human cultures were fast receding from the discussions about improving the human condition despite the tremendous growth in technology and means at hand. Reenergizing this domain was required!

Reenergia started out as a subsidiary within Engineering Associates in United Arab Emirates in 2014. UAE, and especially Dubai, was chosen as a hub for being the most progressive locale in wider South Asia and possessed the proximity to the founders’ origins in Pakistan.

As a nascent organization looking to provide intellectual services the founders soon realized that to learn they had to invest not only time but financial resources in research and to pilot solutions outside of purely solicited work that they could pursue. The following evolutionary journey demonstrates this.

From its start in UAE within EA, in 2014, Reenergia registered in Pakistan in 2015 as Reenergia (Private) Limited. This was the era of BRI-CPEC in Pakistan and the Pakistan government and private sector in both the energy (particularly renewables) and in the transport and logistics verticals needed specialized support. Founders of Reenergia responded with Secure Global (Private) Limited, a company designed, incubated, and established to create the first 5-PL company in Pakistan. SG went on to deliver major projects within CPEC and immediately two units were created within SG, one dealing with ports and logistics management, and the other dealing with policy advisory and consulting.

The work in ports and logistics management lead to another start-up—again a first for Pakistan—Transconomy which developed the first electronic aka computerized “port community system” to interface with the Pakistan Customs’ WeBOC system at Al-Hamd International Container Terminal (AICT – Al-Hamd International Container Terminal (Pvt.) Ltd.). This venture which was co-financed by USAID and won the start of the year award in 2018 was then transitioned to what is today Transconomy (AI-Based Road Asset Management Solution) based in USA.

In parallel, on the energy front, Reenergia in Pakistan partnered with Enhar (Solar & Smart Energy Consultants Australia | Enhar) and became Reenergia-Enhar and also went from being a SECP registered company to being a sole proprietorship registered as a business under the Federal Board of Revenue—for ease of doing business purposes. This part of Reenergia’s business developed many firsts in Pakistan including the “Just Light Is Not Enough” initiative with Indus Earth Trust and Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund the Village Growth Accelerator Program (VGAP) with Enclude and Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, and a partnership with AKRSP to undertake verification of structure of energy demand in ~850 villages in GB and Northern Chitral. These initiatives also led to the creation of a subsidiary to undertake work in renewable energy and ESCOs called Paidartwanai (Private) Limited in 2018.

Starting 2019, Reenergia team decided that while the learning through these multiple activities in diverse and challenging fields had been tremendous, time had come to consolidate the original advisory business and concentrate on social impact. Thus, SG advisory and consulting was merged into Reenergia and the association with Enhar Australia was culminated along with a sale of shares in the remaining SG ports and logistics management. Today this restructuring survives with the moto adopted in 2019, ‘solutions for human lives.’ We are today Reenergia LLC, UAE, and Reenergia Pakistan, with Paidartwanai (Private) Limited a subsidiary.