South Sudan Rural Roads Project (SSRRP)- Road Sector Business Plan
Developing a holistic plan for the Road sector in South Sudan, outlines a ten-year strategy for development including project high, middle and low budget scenarios.
The objective for developing a Road Sector Business Plan (RSBP) is to provide guidance on the operation of the road transport sector and prepare a plan clearly outlining the overall development strategy during the next five to ten years in terms of service provision, management of infrastructure development, financing, and human resourcing for the road sector.
The RSBP is a detailed document that begins with an overview of the current situation in the country, moves on to principles and processes of road sector management and finishes with a specific description of planning and prioritization of road development in South Sudan including three scenarios for high, middle, and low budgets.
Location of the Project
South Sudan
Client is UNOPS and Financier is WBG
Project Duration