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South Sudan Rural Roads Project (SSRRP)- Road Sector Development Plan

South Sudan Rural Roads Project (SSRRP)- Road Sector Development Plan

Develop a strategic plan with short-, medium- and long-term development needs and goals for the South Sudan to strengthen transport infrastructure using Road Maintenance Fund.

The main objective of the Road Sector Development Plan (RSDP) is to identify strategic priorities and resources for transport sector development and operational needs for short, medium and long term in line with the government’s developmental goals. These goals are aimed at strengthening and increasing the country’s road transport infrastructure and its reliability and strengthening the institutional efficiency in road sector management.

The RSDP covers the interstate and international roads network identified in the complimentary Road Sector Business Plan (RSBP) and will serve as a guide for the Ministry of Roads and Bridges (MRB) on the overall strategy and approach to projects with the assumption that the Road Maintenance Fund (RMF) and RSBP will be institutionalized. The RSDP will become the base for all future budget allocation discussions, including planning for road maintenance.

Location of the Project

South Sudan


Client is UNOPS and Financier is WBG

Project Duration


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