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Sustaining the ETI CBEs GB Communal Social Impact Exchange

Sustaining the ETI CBEs GB Communal Social Impact Exchange

Strategy development for a unique stock exchange but with community organizations and cooperatives contributing to social impact. This analysed business enabling environment, demand for financial innovation.

The strategy primarily focused on key issues including, but not limited to, the following aspects:

  1. Assessing the current state of cooperatives, which involves understanding their institutions, procedures, human resources, and finances.
  2. Evaluating the availability of an enabling environment required for the cooperatives, particularly about their business enabling environment. This includes government policies and regulations, infrastructure, and trade enabling services (both physical and virtual, for goods, people, and data). Additionally, the assessment examines the environmental and social governance aspects.
  3. Analysing the demand for new financial instruments from the community, as well as their capacity and willingness to adopt these instruments.

Location of the Project

Gilgit Baltistan


Asian Government of Gilgit Baltistan (GOGB)-IFAD

Project Duration

Jan 2023 - June 2023

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