Third Party Assessment at Midterm- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (KPIAIP)- Assess likelihood of achievement of results and pathways to improving gender integration
An Independent review of Balochistan Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship Project that resulted in formulation of an analytical framework for mid-term reviews, incorporating gender mainstreaming of women’s participation.
The project includes
- Independent review of BLEP to provide an analytical framework for the mid-term reviews (MTRs). The review will assess implementation progress, outcomes, and gender mainstreaming, focusing on implementation mechanisms, project achievements, contextual changes, and recommendations for improvement in policies, institutions, and women’s participation.
- The deliverables include field mission agendas, evaluation reports, and presentation of findings to the WBG MTR mission.
The project primarily operates in the agriculture and water sectors, with key performance indicators (KPIs) tracking reduction in water losses, water productivity at the farm level, expansion of high-value crop production areas, private capital investment mobilized, and the number of farmers reached with agricultural assets or services, including the percentage of women beneficiaries. The project targets smallholder farmers as the primary beneficiaries, alongside rural communities, relevant government institutions, and private sector companies across all districts and tehsils of KP, including the Newly Merged Districts (NMDs) of the erstwhile FATA region.
Location of the Project
Pakistan KPK, Balochistan
The World Bank Group (WBG)
Project Duration
June 2023- Nov 2023